Happy, Creative, Confident - Inspired to Achieve Together

Pupil Development Grant
This grant is to improve the educational attainment of pupils from low income families and who are entitled to free school meals (eFSM). Schools are expected to maximise the use of this funding by introducing sustainable strategies which will quickly lead to improved outcomes for pupils entitled to free school meals.
At the Rofft we:
plan interventions that focus on improving the attainment of pupils from deprived backgrounds, regularly monitoring pupil progress and evaluating the impact of the intervention.
integrate plans for the effective use of the grant into the School Development Plan, basing our practice on sound evidence and including them as part of a whole school strategy.
balance whole school strategies with targeted interventions to ensure that all learners entitles to free school meals benefit as individuals, whilst the whole school also develops its ability to support every learner to achieve their full potential.
In 2022-2023, The Rofft School was allocated a total Pupil Development Grant of £13,800. The school has used the available funding to employ Teachers/Teaching Assistants to support the ability to meet the above objectives.
Education Improvement Grant
The purpose of the Education Improvement Grant (EIG) is to improve educational outcomes for all learners and reduce the impact of deprivation on learner outcomes by:
improving the quality of teaching & learning;
addressing learners’ barriers to learning and improving inclusion;
improving the leadership of educational settings; and
improving the provision for learners and the engagement of learners.
The EIG supports national priorities for schools, including improved outcomes in literacy and numeracy and reducing the impact of deprivation on educational outcomes. The EIG also supports the strategic objectives set out in Qualified for Life, the Welsh Government’s long-term vision for education for 3-19 year old learners in Wales, ensuring a better alignment between strategy and policy objectives and implementation and delivery.
In 2022 -2023 The Rofft School was allocated a total grant of £10,919.00. This was used to support and improve teaching and learning through the employment of additional Teachers / Teaching Assistants.