Happy, Creative, Confident - Inspired to Achieve Together

The Governing Body has an important strategic role in supporting and challenging the work of the Head Teacher. The Head Teacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school whereas the governors set aims and objectives for the school; agree policies, targets and priorities; and monitor and evaluate progress in these areas.
Governors meet termly to carry out their duties and offer constructive advice to the school. This involves asking probing questions and seeking clarification on the objectives set out in the School Development Plan.
Chairperson: Mrs Karen Kilcoyne
Deputy Chairperson: Mrs Kate Goodwin
Clerk to the Governors: Wrexham County Borough Council
LEA Appointed​
Cllr. M. Edwards
Mrs K Kilcoyne
Mrs K Goodwin
Co-opted Governor
Parent Governors
Mrs Delyth Peill
Mr Mark Hill
Miss Rhiannon Edwards
Mrs Jen Middleton
Teacher Governor
Mrs S. Parker-Thomas
Staff Governor
Head Teacher Governor
Mr G. Morris
Community Governors
Mrs H. Harriman
Dr A Basu
View and download the most recent Annual Governors Report below: